What You Don’t Know About Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a relatively new medical treatment, which is usually only used to heal those suffering from chronic pain due to an injury, a disease, or some other disability. It promotes good health and total fitness. This treatment has many benefits, but there is also a downside. It is related to a common misconception about physiotherapy that it is just “body pain”, and the treatments are much more complex than just “body pain”.

physio AdelaideFirst, we must define what physiotherapy actually is. Physiotherapy is the specialized treatment of the musculoskeletal system, including skeletal, muscular, vascular, nervous, and sensory components. It is often combined with other medical specialties such as exercise science, orthopedics, neurology, rehabilitation, sports medicine, and physical therapy. It is also commonly used in conjunction with other disciplines, such as nursing, pediatrics, neurology, and occupational therapy. It is a natural approach to health, designed to promote good health and well-being.

A physiotherapist will diagnose and treat patients suffering from different types of musculoskeletal problems. They use different techniques, such as strength training, stretching exercises, balance and coordination training, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, and hot packs and cold compresses. Physiotherapists can evaluate patients through clinical assessments and diagnostic imaging tests such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computerized tomography (CT). After a physiotherapy session, patients will be encouraged to perform a range of exercises to improve their overall health and mobility.

Let’s take a look at some of the typical conditions treated by a physiotherapist. Several conditions, such as back pain, knee pain, neck pain, and fractures, require physiotherapy. In the case of back pain and related problems, a physiotherapist can help patients overcome pain by correcting posture, increasing flexibility and strength, and improving their range of motion. When it comes to knee joint problems, such as osteoarthritis and meniscus tears, and lower limb bone problems, such as sprains and strains, a physiotherapist can recommend stretches and strengthening exercises. And for fractures, physiotherapy can strengthen the damaged bones and make them less susceptible to further injury.

A lot of people think they need both medications and physical therapy to treat their pain, and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Physical therapy isn’t usually needed unless the patient has suffered an injury that hasn’t healed completely or if the patient is in a persistent vegetative state. Medications should only be prescribed by a physician, and physical therapy shouldn’t be attempted alone.

What is physio Adelaide used for? The most common injuries treated with physiotherapy techniques include whiplash, contusions, sprains, sports injuries, herniated discs, muscle injuries, and arthritis. Other rarer injuries may also require physiotherapy techniques to treat them, including lacerations, bone fractures, broken wrists, and cerebral palsy. Even chronic musculoskeletal conditions, such as fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and spinal stenosis, may require this type of treatment.

Why is physio Adelaide used to treat these types of conditions? Often, physical therapy will include activities that help patients improve their mobility. The purpose of this type of treatment is to increase patients’ range of motion and decrease the stress on their joints and muscles. Many physical therapy programs also include exercises that strengthen muscles and increase strength. It strengthens the injured area and prevents further injury.