What Happens on a Hearing Test?

An audible hearing test gives the audiologist a roadmap of different types of hearing loss so that he can determine how well to plan new hearing aids to get you to hear sounds within that range once more. That way, you’ll finally hear other sounds like a clicking clock, birdsong, rustling wind, chirping children or laughter from your own family. You’ll also get relief from tinnitus, which can be both debilitating and annoying. Tinnitus often causes interference with hearing your family members, friends and neighbours, and it can also make working to complete a task that much more difficult.

SASHC hearing test AdelaideA SASHC hearing test Adelaide is usually the first step to getting help when you think you are suffering from hearing loss. However, even if you are not showing any trouble hearing, sometimes a trip to an audiologist is a wise move. There are warning signs that indicate bigger problems, and you should get a hearing test even if you think you aren’t having a problem. There are three main categories of hearing loss. Reflexive, conductive and mixed. Each can be further broken down into types according to where in your head the problem lies.

Conductive involves noises made by the outer ear, mixed involves problems within the inner ear, and reflexive involves both the inner and outer ear. Finally, your audiologist will use an audiogram to provide a detailed picture of what is going on inside of your head. This audiogram will give you information on the ear’s frequency response, the amplitude and strength of each frequency, and the wave shape. All three of these things can help determine whether you are experiencing hearing loss or not.

Screening tests are available as well. They do not have to take place in an audiology office. You can take them to your own home, and they may provide some relief for you. It depends on what is causing your hearing loss and what type you are dealing with. Sometimes it is as simple as changing your environment to something else, such as reducing background noise or simply listening more carefully to everything you hear.

Suppose you are experiencing any hearing problem and wonder if you should be tested for any problems, you should first try to figure out why. For example, sometimes, people who are experiencing difficulty hearing talk through their mouth, but the sounds seem garbled or silenced when they talk through their ears. It can make it difficult to understand what is being said and can lead to significant difficulties. Checking this out with your audiologist in SASHC hearing test Adelaide can help determine whether other types of hearing problems are causing your communication issues and if you should be screened for other issues.

Sometimes it can be difficult to know if your hearing loss is temporary or permanent. The first step to figuring this out is to get a complete ear, nose and throat checkup at your local doctor or hearing specialist. During this appointment, they will be able to run all kinds of tests, including MRI scans of the outer ear canal and look for blockages or anything else blocking your auditory pathways. If you have had a contact form in the past, it can also be checked out during this visit. A contact form allows the doctor to get a closer look at the inner ear and other parts of the body, so they can determine if you are suffering from a more serious problem, such as Meniere’s disease.

Once you have had a thorough exam, you will be given a formal hearing test. Some people might think this process is uncomfortable and unnecessary. Still, these types of exams are very important to detect any potential problems with your ears that could potentially have serious repercussions.